KN60Lab: Participation school and meeting space

The rehabilitation of Can Seixanta is a key intervention to give neighbors necessary services and will be done so while keeping the essence of the historical Raval factories, while preserving the city’s heritage with the working and industrial memory of Ciutat Vella.

Until the space rehabilitation works are finished, two modules have been installed in the Rambla del Raval to begin to define the uses, the activities (artistic and training) and the leisure workshops that will be organized.

This project, called KN60Lab, aims to network with young people aged 16 to 25 (who do not normally participate in these participatory processes), to propose and design, together with institutes, entities and other neighborhood groups, the projects that will be developed in the new youth kit, and that also becomes its reference point.

Thus, it is expected to implement some lines of work that go through the creation of a microproject nursery (self-managed by young people and linked to public space) and community communication. It is about getting closer to the youth, their families and communities so that they are also part of the project.

Through these actions we want to collect the interests of youth, identify the issues that make the barrier between young people and public space (for reasons of gender, cultural diversity, functional, religion, sexual identity, etc.) and experience the self-management of projects.

All this aims to establish the foundations of the future youth team of Can Seixanta, both in terms of structure and content, but at the same time a second objective is also sought: to create a positive imaginary of the Arrabal on this public kit, that is to say, that the neighbors know the space and the basic process of it, motivate its acceptance and that the fabric of the neighborhood also participates in the project.

Rethink the walk of the Salzereda

With the aim of including the students of the Santa Coloma School in the design of the new walk of the Salzereda -in particular the section in front of the school between Pompeu Fabra street and Francesc Moragues street- the Equal Saree collective stimulated two sessions of work.

In the first session, the children reflected on the current uses of the walk. In the second, new uses and games were defined for the ride and collective design criteria were generated on the areas reserved for games.

The result of the activity is the proposal of these new uses and recreational spaces and the definition of some design criteria to include in the technical project of the new Paseo de la Salzereda.


Jane Jacobs tours

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free conversations guided by citizens inspired by Jane Jacobs.

On the first weekend of May of each year, the Jane’s Walk festivals take place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s walks encourage people to share stories about their neighborhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbors.

Coordinated by the architects María Maria Soler and Arturo Reque, a pleasant walk has been made through the parks known as Pinares de Elvira, where a new concept of peri-urban park has been designed, seeking to adapt these areas for all types of users, maintaining the environment natural. Park with accessible roads, cycle trails, games and areas for various socialization activities.

Participatory Process “Genera Barri”

The SOSTRE association presents generA [barri]: a pilot project for the improvement of the urban space with a gender perspective that will be developed in the neighborhoods of Favara, L’Hort de Senabre and La Creu Coberta (Jesús-Patraix).

One of the central aims of the project is to respond to the specific urban needs of women in the daily use of the city and encourage their participation, and given the profile and purposes of their groups, we trust that the project will be of interest.

GenerA [barri] is a pilot project for the improvement of the city that contemplates the diversity of experiences that come together every day in the city (childhood, third age, gender, cultural origin, etc). The objective is to detect the urban needs that arise from the daily life in the neighborhood, evaluate if the environment adapts to them and make improvements to achieve more friendly and integrating spaces.

Conferences on citizen participation from a diversity perspective

Within the framework of the course on citizen participation organized by the Vasco-Navarra Association of Urbanist Architects, a conference on citizen participation from a diversity perspective was organized.

In the first part of the conference, the theoretical principles on public participation were discussed. In the second part of the same day, practical cases on inclusive urbanism were explained (ProxectoTERRA, Col.lectiu Punt 6 and Zuloark), and in the last part, external experiences and the incorporation of new technologies were explained.


Talk and workshop on feminist urbanism and the nurturing city


Every year at the beginning of courses, a meeting is held between the students of the School of Architecture of A Coruña to form the team that will be responsible for organizing the FETSAC, the Festival of Architecture.

The idea of ​​the Festival was born in the ETSAC during the 2008-09 academic year. After years of focusing solely on their studies, almost suddenly the students became aware of where they were, what they were or what they did, and how they would like things to be. A few had the idea of ​​changing the status quo, they came together and decided to organize what is currently known by FETSAC.

That first edition set the foundations of the festival: a main theme on which the various activities revolve and which is changing from year to year: lectures and round tables in the mornings, practical workshops in the evenings and a final celebratory day with games, sports suigéneris and nocturnal macrofiesta.

Among other groups, on Monday, April 9, Col.lectiu Punt 6 gave a talk on feminist urbanism and in the afternoon she gave dynamism to a workshop on the nurturing city.


40,000 people protest against the “gag law”

On March 26, 2015, the Congress – with an absolute majority of the PP party- gave the green light to the approval of the Citizen Security Law, with the unanimous rejection of the opposition. A few months later, most of the groups appealed to the Constitutional Court. According to this regulation, what previously appeared as a lack, is now an administrative infraction, which can range from very serious (fined between 30,001 and 600,000 euros), serious (from 601 to 30,000 euros) and mild (from 100 to 600 euros).

Around 40,000 people, according to the Government Delegation, have traveled the streets of Madrid on the afternoon of March 18 to demand the repeal of the Citizen Security Law, in a march in which many attendees have demanded decent pensions from the Government. Under the cries of “Freedom of expression and right to pension” or “They steal our pensions and gag us,” among others, thousands of protesters have joined several claims and have toured the city center in a mobilization called by the platform “We are not a crime” and to which the State Coordinator for the defense of pensions adhered.

The march left at 6:00 pm from a crowded Puerta del Sol and arrived two hours later at the Plaza de las Cortes, where the Congress of Deputies is.

Many of those attending the march have carried a gag in their mouths. During the demonstration, called nine days before the third anniversary of the Law of Citizen Security, slogans have been heard such as “the gag law is a threat”. Several of the participants in the protest have explained that this law “cuts rights and undermines freedom of expression” and has caused the loss of democratic quality in Spain.

Setmana Internacional contra l’Assetjament al Carrer

La Semana Internacional contra el Acoso en la Calle es un programa iniciado por Stop Street Harassment y se lleva a cabo cada mes de abril, ya que abril es el mes de concienciación sobre el acoso y el asalto sexual (entre otros) en los Estados Unidos.

Holly Kearl, la fundadora de Stop Street Harassment, escribió su tesis sobre acoso callejero en 2007, centrándose en cómo las mujeres usaban los sitios web para compartir sus historias y tácticas para abordar el problema. En el 2008 comenzó un blog que constituyera un lugar para compartir experiencias y recursos. También empazó aquel año a rastrear el activismo global y escribió su primer libro sobre el tema.

En el 2011 se inició la Semana Internacional contra el acoso callejero, ya que había muchos grupos trabajando en este tema en todo el mundo, pero se carecía de tiempo para tomar acciones de manera conjunta. La instauración de esta semana permitió crear este espacio.

Los esfuerzos de SSH evolucionan y tratan de satisfacer las diferentes necesidades. Después de que el movimento #MeToo pareciera centrarse únicamente en los lugares de trabajo, SSH recaudó fondos, encontró socios y comisionó una encuesta nacional en EEUU sobre acoso sexual y agresión. En la encuesta se refleja que casi el triple de personas experimentaron acoso sexual en espacios públicos que en sus lugares de trabajo.

SSH con los años amplió la mirada incluyendo no solo experiencias de las mujeres, sino también las de todos los géneros. se convirtió en una organización oficial sin fines de lucro en 2012. 


Polar Night Walk

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free conversations guided by citizens inspired by Jane Jacobs.

On the first weekend of May of each year, the Jane’s Walk festivals take place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s walks encourage people to share stories about their neighborhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbors.

The urban life of Helsinki is very gray and dark, of rain and sleet. Before the question of the leaders of these walks: “Why do we always walk in the summer?” A night walk was proposed January 2018.

A small group of brave residents took advantage of the whole experience of a Helsinki of icy streets and icy wind from the sea. Walking in the evening led to discussions about the darkness and light in the city, and the feelings of security that this entails.




Estrategias de urbanización reversible en colegios de Barcelona

A pesar de ser un referente urbanístico reconocido a nivel internacional, el Eixample de Barcelona se enfrenta a múltiples desafíos propios de una ciudad en constante cambio, una urbe muy diferente a la proyectada por Ildefons Cerdà.

La ciudad trabaja por revertir esta realidad definiendo un modelo que priorice a las personas potenciando una movilidad sostenible y construyendo un espacio público saludable, diverso, a velocidad humana —con especial atención hacia las niñas y niños y la tercera edad— en una ciudad donde las condiciones topográficas facilitan una cómoda movilidad caminando o en bicicleta.

En ese escenario, la oficina barcelonesa Leku Studio ha desarrollado un proyecto de “amabilización” de varios entornos escolares en el Eixample, testeando mediante urbanización reversible, nuevos usos y distribuciones que favorecen espacios más humanos y amables y que acerca la escala urbana a los niños. “Deben ser espacios comunitarios; como territorio de extensión de la escuela; como espacio para el juego, para el verde, la historia y la vida local de los barrios“, explican Leku Jokin Santiago Elorriaga y Marta Sola Páramo, cofundadores de Leku Studio.