“Urban Marsh” wins the ideas contest for the La Ona plaza in Valencias Marina

“Urban Marsh” has won the Ideas contest with the proposal of a singular and inclusive space, with green and shaded areas, a kiosk, an auditorium, a viewpoint and different citizen uses distributed in hills around a skating rink.

The project idea contemplates that part of the design phase of skatepark and public space elements be carried out through participatory workshops.

To learn more about the project click the link below:



Programa de ràdio “Joves i dret a la ciutat”, Des dels Blocs

Des dels blocs es un programa de radio que nace como un proceso de creación colectiva de relatos, representaciones y conocimiento sobre los bloques de La Florida en l’Hospitalet; y a su vez de creación de situaciones y espacios de encuentro y diálogo entre los colectivos diversos que lo habitan.

Es un proyecto de LaFundició, e inicialmente se propusieron, mediante el uso de herramientas gráficas y sonoras —la serigrafía, la radio o el paisaje sonoro— construir colectivamente esos relatos, conocimientos y espacios de encuentro; aunque el proceso permanece totalmente abierto a las propuestas y aportaciones de quienes en él colaboran.

El taller de serigrafía o la propia radio funcionan como espacios de encuentro no segregados en los que compartir y repensar los múltiples discursos y las representaciones sobre los bloques de La Florida —en muchas ocasiones divergentes y contradictorios—, partiendo también de la propia memoria del barrio y de las historias de vida de sus habitantes. A partir de estos procesos se abre el debate a nuevos agentes, tomando el espacio público como un lugar de encuentros inesperados.

Los programas del ciclo de radio están encarados a debatir y pensar colectivamente el espacio público y derecho a la ciudad. Grabados en la calle, se centran en esta cuestión en un momento en que el Plan de Intervención Integral está aterrizando en los bloques de La Florida.

En octubre de 2018 se grabó el programa con la temática de los jóvenes y el acceso a la ciudad. En muchos barrios la presencia de jóvenes en la calle es socialmente percibida con recelo, más aún cuando a la condición de joven se suma la racialización de los individuos o los colectivos. Habitualmente las quejas se centran en la falta de civismo de lxs jóvenes y en la inseguridad, y no suelen entrar a analizar las causas estructurales de los comportamientos individuales o grupales.

Para preguntarnos sobre todas estas cuestiones invitamos a Senén Roy, uno de lxs responsables de KN60Lab, acompañado por Camilo Jaime, miembro de la Comisión de jóvenes y fiestas de la AViV La Florida.

También participaron: Raúl Rubio, Eva Alba, José Antonio Contreras, Elhadj Bailo y otrxs vecinxs que se acercaron a los micrófonos de la Ràdio Des dels blocs.


Bajo el nombre de CIUDADES INSTANTÁNEAS, esta edición del festival cultural de urbanismo e innovación social tratará sobre el fenómeno de los grandes eventos, su relación con las estrategias de planificación urbana, su impacto sobre el paisaje, la economía y la cultura local e invita a profesionales de la gestión urbana, arquitectos, urbanistas, instituciones, investigadores, agentes sociales y promotores de eventos a diseñar estrategias compartidas que garanticen un equilibrio para el entorno y el beneficio para la comunidad local.


Hemos preparado la programación del festival como un laboratorio abierto a toda la ciudadanía, como un proceso de investigación y acción que se desarrollará en distintos formatos: charlas, espacios de networking, rutas, exposiciones, actividades artísticas…

Girls Walking Tour

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free conversations guided by citizens inspired by Jane Jacobs.

On the first weekend of May of each year, the Jane’s Walk festival takes place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s walks encourages people to share stories about their neighborhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbors.

Held as part of the Jane’s Walk weekend, the Girls Walking Tour was organized in Calgary, an opportunity for girls to critically think about the world around them and express their ideas and opinions.

The girls focused their thoughts to include important topics throughout five stops along the way. In one of the stops they talked about healthy relationships and the importance of consent in all areas of life. In another point, the subject of sexism in video games was discussed, in another, racism, and in another about gender stereotypes.



Estar Juntos: performance in the public space

On June 20 an open session was convened in the public space to carry out the Workshop – Laboratory for older adults ESTAR JUNTOS, carried out by the artist Víctor Prados Pinto.

The workshop focused on the courage to say the unsayable, to sing the unsingable, to dance the undanceable, to express the inexpressible. It was proposed as an exercise to confront traditional social values ​​and their transformation, a moment for old age itself to take to the streets to present itself and expose their point of view in a creative way in this era of individualism, passive consumerism and excessive technologies.

Bodies and voices were used as tools to build communication devices to show the world the desires, aspirations and concerns of people through this performance in the streets of Torrassa.

KN60Lab: Participation school and meeting space

The rehabilitation of Can Seixanta is a key intervention to give neighbors necessary services and will be done so while keeping the essence of the historical Raval factories, while preserving the city’s heritage with the working and industrial memory of Ciutat Vella.

Until the space rehabilitation works are finished, two modules have been installed in the Rambla del Raval to begin to define the uses, the activities (artistic and training) and the leisure workshops that will be organized.

This project, called KN60Lab, aims to network with young people aged 16 to 25 (who do not normally participate in these participatory processes), to propose and design, together with institutes, entities and other neighborhood groups, the projects that will be developed in the new youth kit, and that also becomes its reference point.

Thus, it is expected to implement some lines of work that go through the creation of a microproject nursery (self-managed by young people and linked to public space) and community communication. It is about getting closer to the youth, their families and communities so that they are also part of the project.

Through these actions we want to collect the interests of youth, identify the issues that make the barrier between young people and public space (for reasons of gender, cultural diversity, functional, religion, sexual identity, etc.) and experience the self-management of projects.

All this aims to establish the foundations of the future youth team of Can Seixanta, both in terms of structure and content, but at the same time a second objective is also sought: to create a positive imaginary of the Arrabal on this public kit, that is to say, that the neighbors know the space and the basic process of it, motivate its acceptance and that the fabric of the neighborhood also participates in the project.

Rethink the walk of the Salzereda

With the aim of including the students of the Santa Coloma School in the design of the new walk of the Salzereda -in particular the section in front of the school between Pompeu Fabra street and Francesc Moragues street- the Equal Saree collective stimulated two sessions of work.

In the first session, the children reflected on the current uses of the walk. In the second, new uses and games were defined for the ride and collective design criteria were generated on the areas reserved for games.

The result of the activity is the proposal of these new uses and recreational spaces and the definition of some design criteria to include in the technical project of the new Paseo de la Salzereda.


Jane Jacobs tours

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free conversations guided by citizens inspired by Jane Jacobs.

On the first weekend of May of each year, the Jane’s Walk festivals take place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s walks encourage people to share stories about their neighborhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbors.

Coordinated by the architects María Maria Soler and Arturo Reque, a pleasant walk has been made through the parks known as Pinares de Elvira, where a new concept of peri-urban park has been designed, seeking to adapt these areas for all types of users, maintaining the environment natural. Park with accessible roads, cycle trails, games and areas for various socialization activities.

Participatory Process “Genera Barri”

The SOSTRE association presents generA [barri]: a pilot project for the improvement of the urban space with a gender perspective that will be developed in the neighborhoods of Favara, L’Hort de Senabre and La Creu Coberta (Jesús-Patraix).

One of the central aims of the project is to respond to the specific urban needs of women in the daily use of the city and encourage their participation, and given the profile and purposes of their groups, we trust that the project will be of interest.

GenerA [barri] is a pilot project for the improvement of the city that contemplates the diversity of experiences that come together every day in the city (childhood, third age, gender, cultural origin, etc). The objective is to detect the urban needs that arise from the daily life in the neighborhood, evaluate if the environment adapts to them and make improvements to achieve more friendly and integrating spaces.

Conferences on citizen participation from a diversity perspective

Within the framework of the course on citizen participation organized by the Vasco-Navarra Association of Urbanist Architects, a conference on citizen participation from a diversity perspective was organized.

In the first part of the conference, the theoretical principles on public participation were discussed. In the second part of the same day, practical cases on inclusive urbanism were explained (ProxectoTERRA, Col.lectiu Punt 6 and Zuloark), and in the last part, external experiences and the incorporation of new technologies were explained.